My Travel Routine
As much as I’m addicted to change. I need a little self administered structure to keep myself balanced and present for my travels.
I’m experimenting with harnessing my most productive times, with the things that take more concentration and effort. Then I balance in the parts of my day that are automatic and take no willpower or thought. So here goes my travel routine!
Travel As a Means to Redefine Blackness
Black travel is symbolic to me. Not just new experiences, enjoying a different place, symbolic. Symbolic because travel can mean for black folks of any generation evolution.
Figuring out how to travel off of your budget expands your perspective to help you see the possibilities for your life. It’s the next phase of “tryna to make a dollar out of fifteen cents,” which is making the most out of what you have, into intentionally creating the experiences you want in your life. And knowing that you have the power to do so.
Why I Travel with a Menstrual Cup
*Enter Adult Conversation*
I’m a tampon kind of lady. Well, I was until I read up on menstrual cups. Not sure how I came across them, but somewhere in my prep to be an international lady of leisure, I heard about them. When I’d gone to El Salvador and Jamaica back in 2010, I’d just packed a ton of multipack tampons. This time around, I don’t have that kind of space in my pack. So I went to my friend YouTube to see how women were responding to the cups and what brands were out and so forth.
Growing Your Meditation Practice While Traveling
I had a semi regular meditation practice before leaving the United States. That was before I better understood how to create habits that are based on more than just will power.
No Routine, No Work
Not only does my travel routine give me familiarity, it helps me to do my work. It took me some time to experiment to get the rhythm right, but if I fail to do the seemingly unrelated things to my actual work, then the work don’t come. That’s been my experience. If I don’t eat well, drink tons of water, move my body, still myself from my overactive mind, and so forth, it’s physically impossible for me to craft a word. It’s hard to focus and be clear about sharing the information that only I can share without structure.
Why I Travel with the Osprey Farpoint 40 Backpack
To some, packing everything you own into a backpack can seem daunting. Because it is. Being flexible and mobile on my long-term journey has me constantly letting go of things inside and out, and getting my priorities together. The finite constraints of a 40 liter backpack will do that for you. Every time.
Read More »Why I Travel with the Osprey Farpoint 40 Backpack